
Tadasana pose

Strong as a mountain

The humble Tadasana – also known as mountain pose – helps to create awareness of the body’s position and encourages healthy posture. Although it might look like simply standing still, there’s more to it than meets the eye. The foundation of all standing yoga postures, Tadasana should feel easy and comfortable to hold for some …

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Sun salutations yoga

What 500 Sun Salutations taught me

The ancient yogic practice of Surya Namaskar, or Sun Salutation as it’s more commonly known, serves as a great sequence to energise the body of a morning or to warm up the muscles and mind ahead of a yoga session. Slowed down, it can also be used to centre awareness and find calm.  More recently, this …

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The Power of kindness

The power of kindness

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, and this year’s theme is Kindness. It’s never been more important to promote the message of good mental health for all, look out for one another and stay connected. So what kind thing could you do today? Any act of kindness, however small it may seem, can have …

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Sleep quarantine lockdown

Coronavirus: mindful about sleep

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed everyday life in a way that would have been unthinkable just a few months ago, bringing concerns for our physical and mental health. For many people this has had a detrimental effect on both the amount and quality of their sleep.  Here, Amanda Grant, chief wellness officer at the CIVANA Wellness Resort …

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Lockdown: how to stay hydrated

Lockdown is affecting every aspect of our lives – how we work or study, how we socialise, how we exercise and who we see. Even the way we eat and drink is likely to have altered with so much time being spent in the home and relatively little outdoors. One thing that can be affected …

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staying home breathe special


Breathe has launched a special edition to help people feel happy and calm while staying at home. The title is a collection of Breathe​ articles​, filled with mindful ideas and activities, from stretches to start the day to writing exercises, from ways to rearrange art to puzzles and games. Purchase your copy here. STORE LISTING WHS HS STORES ABERDEEN ST NICHOLAS CENTRE ST NICHOLAS CENTRE …


Mindful Quarantine

A mindful quarantine

As the prospect of an extended Covid-19 quarantine becomes a reality, social media feeds are awash with ways to stay busy during the coming months of social distancing. Take a coding course, Marie Kondo your home, learn to play the ukulele, take up an online language course – the list seems endless. And there is …

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