
Why does creativity bring joy?

Why does creativity bring joy? According to ancient Indian texts, the sacral chakra is one of the seven central energy points in the body. Located about four finger-widths below the belly button, it’s associated with the colour orange, pleasure and creativity. Its Sanskrit name, Svadhishthana, means ‘dwelling place of the Self’. What happens when your …

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What is compassion fatigue?

Do you work in a caring profession but sometimes think that you just can’t do it anymore? Are you in a caring role with a friend or family member, or maybe even a poorly pet? Do you feel exhausted from caring for others and find it difficult to put your needs first? If any of …

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Sibling rivalry

Why are siblings competitive? Consider the following childhood scenarios. It’s the annual school sports day. Because you and your sibling have the same surname, you’re on the same team, both wearing your red shirts with pride and participating in cheering other pupils on when they throw further or run faster than the yellows, greens and …

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Trust your gut instinct

Should I go with my gut? If you’re sailing through a cloudy night, without the stars as a guide, you need an accurate compass. You can’t trust someone else’s word that you’re going in the right direction – like a GPS signal, it might fail you. But a needle pointing north never will. This is …

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Buon appetito

A long wooden table laden with fragrant foods and Mediterranean flora has been placed among the olive trees. Chairs of all shapes and sizes have been brought out in readiness for the long-held Italian tradition of dining as a family. Here, the Italian proverb, A tavola, non si invecchia, loosely translated as ‘At the table, …

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