
Taking out the sting

Hands up who loves nettles. These hardy plants, which grow profusely in the wild, are far from the most favoured species. They’ve caused many a child’s tears and ruined country walks, not to mention being unpopular with gardeners. Yet there are numerous benefits hidden within their jagged leaves and prickly stems. Before modern medicine, nature’s …

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Light your own way

You climb off the train onto a dark station platform. It’s lit by a few wonky bulbs, with a broken sign announcing your destination. It’s the end of the line, and there are no more options left. Welcome, my friend, to the last resort. This probably isn’t a place you wanted to end up. The …

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Write the rainbow

Creative-writing classes might suggest to the mind a room of chairs and desks equipped with paper and pens or screens and notebooks. In other words, a set environment for a sedentary activity. But this doesn’t have to be the case. In fact, replacing a classroom session with an excursion into the open air can offer …

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This time last year…

For weeks, the buds are small green globes on their spear-like stalks, as stubbornly sealed as tightly clenched fists. Then, one day, a flash of cerise catches your eye as you walk up the path – the hollyhocks are out and summer is finally in bloom. The year is full of subtle special occasions like …

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All out of energy?

Burnout. It’s a familiar term – and one that’s often bandied about when a person is tired. Yet there’s a difference between the two. Both are important signals that rest is needed, but burnout, which is defined by the National Health Service as a state of physical, mental and emotional exhaustion caused by prolonged stress, …

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How to embrace the pre-holiday high

For many, a holiday brings joy – whether it’s a city sightseeing break, a few days’ walking in the countryside or a fortnight on an idyllic beach. But there’s also excitement to be found in the weeks leading up to a trip, especially one that’s long in the planning or a childhood dream. ‘Anticipating a …

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Drink in the day

Whether it’s an English Breakfast, a turmeric infusion or a flat white, the ritual of making a hot drink is part of most people’s daily routine. And drinking it can easily become a perfunctory step in the auto-piloted process. You might sip your tea while getting dressed or hunting for your car keys. Perhaps, at …

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Jaw dropping

Hunching over a screen can cause stiff shoulders and tension headaches. If you’ve experienced these, it’s possible that the root of your problem doesn’t lie where you think it does. In fact, many tension issues can be released with a gentle, soothing touch on an area of your body rarely considered: your jaw. Why a …

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Why rock gardens rock

With different dimensions, height, shady crevices and even water features, rock gardens are a creative way to add colour, depth and interest to an outdoor space. Popular in the Victorian era and traditionally planted with alpines, they can also provide the perfect growing conditions for coastal plants, succulents and anything that requires excellent drainage. Sometimes …

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What makes a surfer’s paradise?

When you think of the world’s best-known surfing hotspots, these might be some of the things that spring to mind. Geographical features are less likely to get a look-in, yet they dictate how waves approach the coastline from deeper waters to create the best surfing conditions. What makes good waves for surfing? There are three …

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