
Back-to-work blues

You sigh as you get into bed and set your alarm for work the next morning. What you wouldn’t give for one more week off. Whether you’ve been away or just enjoyed time at home catching up with friends and family, annual leave is a precious chance to recharge your batteries, and gearing yourself up …

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Go it alone

Picture this: you’ve picked a restaurant that you’ve always wanted to go to, ordered the most exciting dish on the menu and a glass of nice wine to go with it. As you lift your fork to tuck in, you raise a silent toast to yourself for such an excellent choice, then proceed to savour …

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What if it goes right?

‘Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?’ ‘Supposing it didn’t,’ said Pooh after careful thought. Piglet was comforted by this. – AA Milne Like the cautious Piglet, people are wired to anticipate problems – the brain is developed to raise the alert on potential threats. As a result, it’s natural when …

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Room to breathe

Imagine that you’re having a relaxing day off. With oodles of free time, you stroll to your favourite café to treat yourself to something delicious. Suddenly, your calm turns to discomfort, as the person behind you in line is standing too close. And each time you edge away, they edge closer. Most people will have …

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This time last year…

For weeks, the buds are small green globes on their spear-like stalks, as stubbornly sealed as tightly clenched fists. Then, one day, a flash of cerise catches your eye as you walk up the path – the hollyhocks are out and summer is finally in bloom. The year is full of subtle special occasions like …

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Drink in the day

Whether it’s an English Breakfast, a turmeric infusion or a flat white, the ritual of making a hot drink is part of most people’s daily routine. And drinking it can easily become a perfunctory step in the auto-piloted process. You might sip your tea while getting dressed or hunting for your car keys. Perhaps, at …

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What is compassion fatigue?

Do you work in a caring profession but sometimes think that you just can’t do it anymore? Are you in a caring role with a friend or family member, or maybe even a poorly pet? Do you feel exhausted from caring for others and find it difficult to put your needs first? If any of …

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How to address and overcome feelings of resentment

What impact can resentment have on your emotional wellbeing? Resentment can evolve over time, and then there’s the possibility that it will grow, as Louise Goddard-Crawley, a London-based chartered psychologist, explains: ‘It can accumulate because of repeated negative experiences, ongoing conflict or unresolved grievances. It may start with a minor frustration or disappointment that gradually …

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