
Eye on the prize?

The spotlight picks out a podium on the stage. A hush descends over the audience. There’s the rattle of an envelope opening, a clearing of the throat. ‘And the winner is…’ A long pause. And then a name is spoken. Yours. If you’ve ever been in this position, it might have felt unreal. Or perhaps …

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Use your wings

There’s only one thing about being creative that’s difficult – creativity. It’s all very well thinking up great ideas, or having the urge to get out your pen or paints, but the gap between thought and action can seem like a chasm. There’s always something more important – or easier – to do instead. It …

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Novel take

Literature repeats itself: classic tales and old myths are constantly referred to or retold in new stories. Have you ever noticed, for example, that Disney’s 1994 film The Lion King borrows much of its plot from Shakespeare’s Hamlet (written between 1599 and 1601)? Hamlet, in turn, was inspired by an ancient Scandinavian saga. Because so …

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Short and (sometimes) sweet

Picture the scene. You’ve the luxury of some spare time and you love reading. You long to dive into a book, featuring characters you care about and an absorbing plot. It’s why you pick up that novel – only to put it down a few hours later, nowhere near finishing. Not only that, when you …

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Write the rainbow

Creative-writing classes might suggest to the mind a room of chairs and desks equipped with paper and pens or screens and notebooks. In other words, a set environment for a sedentary activity. But this doesn’t have to be the case. In fact, replacing a classroom session with an excursion into the open air can offer …

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Why rock gardens rock

With different dimensions, height, shady crevices and even water features, rock gardens are a creative way to add colour, depth and interest to an outdoor space. Popular in the Victorian era and traditionally planted with alpines, they can also provide the perfect growing conditions for coastal plants, succulents and anything that requires excellent drainage. Sometimes …

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Why does creativity bring joy?

Why does creativity bring joy? According to ancient Indian texts, the sacral chakra is one of the seven central energy points in the body. Located about four finger-widths below the belly button, it’s associated with the colour orange, pleasure and creativity. Its Sanskrit name, Svadhishthana, means ‘dwelling place of the Self’. What happens when your …

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