
Everyday Mindfulness

When you think of mindfulness, what comes to mind? Mantras, essential oils, listening to relaxation podcasts? I used to think of someone sitting cross-legged, palms facing upwards and humming a calming tune. Assuming that’s all there was to it, I dismissed mindfulness as something that couldn’t help me. Even as its popularity grew and I …

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Carry on laughing

You might remember seeing laughter yoga featured on a news programme or travel show. It goes like this: a bunch of people leaping around laughing, all looking somewhat childish and possibly a little ‘hippy-dippy’. There is no mistaking their happiness as they laugh at themselves. So we laugh at them. In fact, suddenly everyone is …

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Home stretch

Nobody ever regrets starting a home yoga practice. It can transform your life, your body and your mind. Yet it can also seem overwhelming. Where to start? What to do? Here are some practical tips to get you on the mat and into a home yoga practice. Forty Days of Yoga author Kara-Leah Grant explains …

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10 Easy Veg to Grow

Gardening is a waiting game and it can take months, even years, to see the best results. However, when growing vegetables, some crops will be ready to eat only a month after sowing and there’s nothing better to motivate you to grow more. Sowing seeds is relatively straightforward. Just pop them thinly on a layer …

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Top tips for cold water swimming

Cold-water swimmers say they suffer less illness, are better able to deal with stress and enjoy a boost in wellbeing with every icy dip. Breathe takes the plunge. Safety first Do not try cold-water swimming if you have respiratory, heart or blood pressure problems, are pregnant or unfit. Even if you are healthy, it’s advisable …

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Breathe Issue 13

Viewed from space, Earth is momentous, glorious, unchanging. The distance offers perspective, an overview of the planet below. On the ground, it is equally as impressive, but its sands, seas and stories are constantly shifting. Such is also the case for its inhabitants. For some, however, time can seem to stand still or move so …

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Three steps to stop self-sabotage

Make a decision today not to be ruled by your inner saboteur any longer. Use these three simple steps to overcome internal resistance to change and break the cycle of self-sabotage for good. Take the leap and soar into the unknown. 1- Become aware of your inner saboteur Tune in to what’s going on in …

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Breathe Issue 12

Anger, fear, guilt. Emotions can bubble under for years (or spill over in seconds) with devastating effect. Take our tricky trio here. They are pernicious customers who can limit life choices, inhibit personal enjoyment and stifle relationships. Why is it, for instance, that so many people feel bad when they have no transgressions for which …

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8 tips for protecting bees

1 PUT UP NESTING BOXES Homes for solitary bees, such as the leafcutter bee that nibbles the edges of rose leaves, can be made from wood or small logs (for instructions on making, siting and aftercare, see Honeybee nesting boxes (not hives for honey collection) designed to help conserve wild bees populations are available …

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