Few things are accessible to everyone. Cost, geography and expectations – both internal and external – frequently get in the way. Yet right on our doorstep whether that’s in deep countryside or a densely populated city is one of the world’s most awe-inspiring sights. And its power to lift the spirits and feed the soul is freely available. All we need do to harness this natural wellbeing tool is cast our gaze upwards and look at the sky.
What we see might feel gentle and reassuring – wisps of white lining a grey-blue vista – or fierce and dangerous as dark clouds warn of an advancing storm. But it will always be a chance to glimpse the extraordinary in everyday life, to reassess our place within the world and to use this humbling and breathtaking spectacle to reconnect with nature, to reach out to others and to be kinder to our inner self.
An upward glance can also inspire creativity. The ever-changing colours, shapes and patterns often find their way into an artist’s pallette, an author’s prose or a songwriter’s lyrics but they can just as easily be used in our everyday journalling – words we might commit to paper on first waking up or at the day’s end – or old-fashioned snail-mail letters we send to friends and loved ones.
At a time when the world for many is a strange and frightening place and self-care often equals prohibitively expensive or time-consuming rituals over relaxation, looking up is one of nature’s best but often neglected remedies. No gadgets, no potions, no mantras, no schedule. Just you, the sky and a whole lot of awe. Step outside and cast your gaze upwards…